Is the Quick Gyro Complex or Expensive to Service?

Gineico Marine - Is the Quick Gyro Complex or Expensive to Service

Is the Quick Gyro Complex or Expensive to Service?

The Quick Gyro is not complex but is an incredibly smart patented system design that spins the mass vertically and has two bearings (one on each side of the mass) that work together and thereby share the weight and force of the mass.

This is unlike other gyros that have a  horizontal spinning design and there is only one bearing underneath doing all the work.

The Quick Gyro unique design detail means our mass can be bigger and spin slower than our competitors gyros to deliver the same anti-roll torque.

This slower spin speed means less noise, faster spool up time as well as eliminating the need for lots of complex systems including the vacuum chamber, essential if you need to achieve the high spin speeds typical of horizontal spinning gyros.

The Quick Gyro slower spin speed also means lower bearing temperatures and lower bearing wear; as well as eliminating the need for other systems like break bushings, cooling pumps, heat exchangers etc. All these complex systems need expensive regular servicing.

Quick Gyros are thereby simpler, smaller and smarter and therefore owners don’t get big service bills every year.

Find Out Why Quick Gyros Are BetterCLICK HERE