Idromar Watermakers


Turning sea water into fresh water
Idromar Watermakers
Official Distributor Since 2000
Idromar - Making drinking water on your boat
Idromar - talking a shower on your boat in fresh water

Crystal Clear drinking water, anytime, anywhere, while at sea

An Idromar Watermaker ensures you have fresh water for you and your crew 24/7.

Fresh water 24 hours a day is available through a simple reverse osmosis system, leaving fresh water for drinking, cooking, cleaning and showering.

There is now no need to store fresh water in your vessel – it’s available at the touch of a button.

Idromar Watermakers – a necessity for every vessel.


Why choose an Idromar Watermaker?

Idromar Watermakers
  • Compact, fully automatic, with unmatched reliability
  • Fits any type & size boat
  • 316 stainless frame and membrane housings
  • Fully assembled on rubber mounts
  • Self-priming low pressure pump
  • Make water even when vessel is underway
  • Weekly auto freshwater flush
  • Remote control operated
  • Quiet operation
  • Made in Italy
  • 2 Years warranty

All our equipment is inclusive of

Full function remote panel with 10 metre connecting cable (can go up in the fly bridge)

Fresh water flush at the touch of a button on the machine or the remote panel

Set and forget pre-programmed auto flush on a weekly cycle (operated by a timer in the machine)

5 x 20 micron and 5 x 5 micron spiral wound pre-filters

Filter removing tool and 1 x CTR membrane regeneration powder.

2 Years warranty

Find out more about the puRO System.

Water purification specifically designed for Super Yachts.

The puRO removes 96% of dock water mineral contamination.

What Our Customers Say

Exclusive Supplier


Idromar Watermakers

Pure technology for pure water

1982, Idromar International was founded by Vittorio Battio whose 20 years professional experience in the water purification market collided with his great passion for the ocean and boats.


What started as a hobby project in a market that didn’t exist, grew a brand and fleet of products that have earned Idromar a strong international reputation for quality and reliability.


The evolution of technology has seen Idromar International deliver outstanding watermaker systems for all sizes and styles of boats, whether they are needing crystal clear drinking water or beautiful fresh water for the on deck spa.

Quality & Reliability

Customer Satisfaction First

Vittorio Battino’s drive is fuelled by delighting customers with smart and efficient premium products; whether that customer be the shipyard, a pleasure-boater, distributor or maintenance technician.


Idromar’s design and manufacturing excellence is driven by 4 key factors:

      1. reliability
      2. the highest quality materials and components
      3. ease of use for the client
      4. simplicity of installation for the mechanical team


This simple set of rules has seen Indromar International become a sought after brand for the boating enthusiast looking for the best Watermaker options in the market.


As they say in Italian:

L’evoluzione di una tecnologia, l’affermazione di un marchio –

The Evolution of Technology, the Affirmation of a Brand.

Idromar Watermakers

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    Idromar Watermakers Models

    Idromar Service & Maintenance

    • Watermakers are an asset onboard boats of all sizes. Watermakers turn seawater into freshwater using a process called “reverse osmosis”. Ensure a reliable supply for drinking water or showers all at the touch of a button....

    Contact Us

    With all of your Idromar Watermakers questions

    We’d like to hear from you! Request A Quote

    G45, 76-84 Waterway Drive
    Coomera, Queensland, 4209, Australia.

    Phone:  (+61) 7 5556 0244


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